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dc.contributor.authorSingh, Mayank-
dc.description.abstractThe study is based on the impacts of coal mining and allied activities especially the acid mine drainage, Coal Dust, Open Pits, Waste contamination process which occurs from mining sites and having a severe long-term impact on the local environment. The study is going to be carried out by incorporating the Socioeconomic aspects of the region selected. The selected study site is the underground and open cast mines under Pench River Catchment, Western Coalfields limited near Chhindwara district M.P. The study further contributes and helps us to understand the pattern of contamination through mines are contributing to the natural environment, how the flow according to different topography effecting the natural streams and water bodies and connected biodiversity’s. In the study, Long-term mining effects and polluted soils have implications for plant growth and human health due to metals leaching from the soil. These issues are also known to have an effect on communities and where they live, which has its own set of social and economic implications. There are also financial consequences for the government and the mining industry, which may pose constitutional questions in certain cases, but the research is limited to an ecological perspective, which is a drawback. In this assessment A systematic process for identifying, quantifying, and assessing the possible ecological effects of identified behavior. And it requires the identification of environmental components as well as an analysis of the material that influence how they communicate with one another, such that Person behaviors’ results may be superimposed on background factors, and potential effects can be predicted. When these results can be predicted in quantifiable terms, their relative value can be assessed for remediation purposes. The key objectives are to undertake a survey of the major mining areas in the country. To investigate the impact of government mining policies on mining in the area and mining activities on the socioeconomics of the local population and their reliance on mining for long-term survival. The impact of mining on the region's vegetation and soil characteristics was also investigated. The Socioeconomic study was conducted in mining areas of Pench area colliery. The analysis of existing resources in the region, the community's social-economic structure, employment trends, revenue activities, Ecological Impact of Mining Contaminations in Pench River Catchment – A case study of Western Coal Fields, Pench Area M.P reliance on forests, mining, mining impacts, the impact of mining closure on subsistence, as well as local people's preferences for land use in mined-out areas and species for regeneration, as well as information on other relevant environmental and socioeconomic issues, The study in mining areas was conducted using Participatory Rural Assessment (PRA) approaches and Questionnaire-based Surveys. To better understand the area and lay out the situation spatially, GIS-based modelling techniques are used. Local residents' viewpoints on reclamation of these mining areas after mining closure, as well as their better options for post-mining land use, were explored. Mining policies, laws, and regulations, as well as restoration after mining closure and generations of alternative jobs, were based primarily on these final recommendations. The report, which was conducted as part of the systematic Ecological Effect Assessment method, looked at the impact of coal mining operations from both an environmental and a socioeconomic standpoint, and attempted to combine the findings of the two methods into a single proposal for mining-related problem mitigation. Keywords: Socio-economic Impacts, Mining Contamination, Ecological Impacts, Coal Mining, Assessment, Biodiversity, Mitigation.en_US
dc.subjectMining contamination in pench river catchmenten_US
dc.titleEcological impact of mining contaminations in pench river catchment: a case study of western coal fields, pench area M.P.en_US
Appears in Collections:Master of Planning (Environmental Planning)

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