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Title: Planning strategies for development of backward region in Madhya Pradesh case study of Chhatarpur district
Authors: Bhardwaj, Rashmi
Keywords: Planning strategies
Issue Date: May-2013
Publisher: SPA, Bhopal
Abstract: Madhya Pradesh is one of the least developed states in India, with an HDI value of 0.375 (2011), which is below the national average. The Chhatarpur district is situated at North East border of Madhya Pradesh spread over an Area of 8687 Square Kms. In spite of being an old and historically important district of Madhya Pradesh, it has not developed at par with the other district of M.P. due to various reasons. Chhatarpur District already identified as backward by govt. of Madhya Pradesh and one of the district eligible for Backward Region Grant Fund and has 3rd lowest ranking in the Madhya Pradesh, HDI with value of 0.451 (2007). To find out the causative factors for backwardness of Chhatarpur present study was undertaken with objectives of, study present status of development scenario within the district; analyze the present development programmes implemented for district; identify causative factor of the backwardness and to find out target sector; prepare planning strategies and recommendation for development of the district. Studies were carried out in the area to propose the right development strategies on the basis of existing scenario of development status of the area. In the district some issues are identified as the reason for the backwardness of the district such as; poor education infrastructure, under-developed health infrastructure, traditional agriculture practices, poor irrigation facilities, depleting forest resources, poor transport infrastructure. Study also finds out various potential areas such as; large land area falls under agriculture and forest, number of water resources, etc. but these resources are not utilized properly. Therefore, the present study includes identification of scenario of different sectors responsible for backwardness in the area and to target the sector lying below the state level parameters. In addition to this various programmes and schemes run by the government and non government organizations were analysed for their role in development of districts. Measures will be proposed for the identified sectors in need of proposals for development.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Planning

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