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Title: Assessing the feasibility of green hydrogen in industrial sector
Other Titles: a case of Vadodara Gujarat
Authors: Choudhari, Nupur
Keywords: Assessing the feasibility
Vadodara Gujarat
green hydrogen
industrial sector
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: SPA Bhopal
Series/Report no.: 2020MEP023;TH001571
Abstract: Human interference to the environment has been increasing from last two decades. And this has imposed severe outcomes on environment and our ecological system. With increasing population, growth is unavoidable, thus its implications are also unavoidable. Leaving us with no other option but to find a path where growth should be sustainable. And for any kind of growth we require energy, whereas Energy sector itself contributes 73% of carbon emissions worldwide. Out of which India’s share is about 6.4% from the total. With the growing energy demands the policymakers, researchers, etc are still negotiating an agreement to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. India is the 4th largest carbon emitter in the world. These emissions affecting global climate resulting irregular weather conditions and having outbreaks like drought, floods, forest fire, urban heating issues. Currently, energy demand is mostly sufficed by combustion of fossil fuels. The other non renewable energy source are also been set up but due to its less diverse application it becomes its limitation. Green Hydrogen energy is a new non renewable source of energy which stands out with any present fuels because of its low carbon footprint and diverse applications sectors like power, transportation and Industry. Transitioning to alternatives like green Hydrogen is speeding its momentum after the announcement of National hydrogen mission by our political leaders on February 2021. Hydrogen when generated from clean energy source like solar PV, solar thermal, hydro power geo thermal etc. and this generated electricity when used to split the water into oxygen and hydrogen under the process called electrolysis, and then this generated hydrogen is called green hydrogen energy. The energy have potential in future, therefore further research is required especially at Indian context. From the literature study, the gap is identified. Any anthropogenic activities have its affects on environment. Therefore study will access the environmental impacts and feasibility of production of green hydrogen energy for India. The study will be focusing on decarbonising the Industrial sector. Thus, the aim of is to provide environment-friendly pathway for deployment of green hydrogen energy in industrial sector. Since industrial sector is considered to be one of the hard-to-abet sector to decarbonise, therefore industrial sector has been selected for the study. To achieve this aim, three objectives have been formulated. Under the 1st objective, environmental impacts are assessed for production of green hydrogen by using the tool called LCA (life cycle assessment). The tool will give the best renewable source for production of green hydrogen energy by comparing them. And based on the outcome of previous objective, 2nd objective has identified most suitable state where identified RE source has maximum potential. Further study is been narrowed down to district level on the basis of locations of industries where hydrogen is used as feedstock, annual production capacity of the industries, the major Industrial polluting region of the state and disaster risk of the district. Under the objective 3, locations are proposed for the RE sources through weighted-overlay analysis in GIS tool. This will help in deployment of green hydrogen in industries. Several parameters are required for this objective for which secondary literature study is conducted. 17 parameters were finalized for performing the land suitability analysis and by giving weightage to all of them, the locations of RE plants have been identified. Further land required for RE plant to fulfill the electricity demand for production of hydrogen through electrolyser in future for the industries is also calculated. This has complete the research by expecting fulfillment of aim. The outcome of this study is to offset carbon emissions in the identified district and to provide methodology to adopt this technology in a most sustainable way for future execution. The research can help determining areas of improvement in production process, aid strategic planning and inform public policy. The study can further take up for development of policy related to green hydrogen production and its use. It can also help in development of industrial group centers and energy planning of any district. The research will promote the basic principles of sustainable development and therefore government structures can utilize the information contained in the study. The limitations of study are the study will provide location of secondary infrastructure for deployment of green hydrogen technology in industry and not the hydrogen unit. Study will focused on identified area. Financial aspects have not been considered thoroughly. Also only two types of RE sources have been considered for assessing the environmental load of its product.
Appears in Collections:Master of Planning (Environmental Planning)

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