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Title: Transit oriented development along bus rapid transit system, Bhopal
Authors: Mahato, Bibek
Keywords: Transit Oriented Development
Issue Date: May-2013
Publisher: SPA, Bhopal
Abstract: Transit oriented development (TOD) as a compact, mixed-use development around transit stations—has gained popularity as a smart-growth strategy and creating vibrant, and livable communities. TOD is a mixed-use kind of development creating community that encourages people to live near transit station and to decrease their dependence on driving. Bhopal, being the capital district of the state is facing a fast rate of urban development and industrialization. Over the last decadal population growth was about 3.5%, quite higher than the national average of 2% (Mehta & Associates, Indore, 2005). Along with these the City sprawl towards the suburbs areas is taking place rapidly. it is obvious that the city started growing fast in the initial years of its development but as expected slowed down in recent years due to increase in its base population. The slowing pace of growth may also be due to the lack of proper infrastructure facilities especially transport which should have grown hand to hand with industrial, commercial, and institutional growth of the city. The introduction of Bus Rapid Transit System will create a solution for the issue. And with this focus, an attempt is been made with the concept of Transit Oriented Development so as to achieve a design accessible city for the city population especially for the BRTS users. The prime focus of my study is to create an environment of development that will benefits all the user around any Transit stop, Based on this framework, I have taken two study area of different types of TOD and then tries to develop it accordingly using the TOD approach. Creating a development which include high rise buildings which will be more densities then at present which will arrest the impact of sprawl; more pedestrian user friendly pathways which will bring comfort and ease the pedestrian movements for the people of Bhopal where the daily mean normal temperature of Bhopal in May is about 40.7°C. Also these kind of development will leads to the formation of many work centers and offices, where the employees could depend on public transport which will also leads to more utilization of BRTS and less utilization of private vehicles. Seeing India as a whole which is a developing country and in a versed to be a developed country and relating it to Bhopal, major focus is given on Infrastructure development aspect rather than environmental aspect as major necessity for the city is providing Infrastructure. Landscape planning and Environmental planning were considered wherever necessary in the project. Thus for creating a balanced between Infrastructure and environment and generating pedestrian movements in the community, a Transit Oriented approach is been undertaken.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Planning

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