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Title: Spatial development violations in ecologically sensitive areas
Other Titles: a case of Kerwa - Kaliyasot dam Bhopal
Authors: Burgute, Savani Sanjay
Keywords: Ecologically sensitive area
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: School of Planning and Architecture
Series/Report no.: 2019BPLN005;TH001812
Abstract: The world we live in is becoming increasingly sensitive to environmental change and damage. As such, it is important that we protect the areas that are still pristine and untouched. Eco-sensitive areas are those that are especially vulnerable to environmental disturbances and need to be protected. These areas are home to a variety of flora and fauna and are important sources of fresh water and other natural resources. They serve as important natural habitats for many species of animals, birds, and insects. Eco-sensitive areas are different from other types of protected areas in that they are managed and maintained in a way that does not disturb the natural balance of the environment. This means that human activity is restricted in order to preserve the integrity of natural resources. For instance, certain activities, such as hunting, logging, and mining, are strictly prohibited in these areas There has been this alarming trend observed in many Indian cities that the sprawl is engulfing the surrounding eco-sensitive areas with activities like developing properties, setting up an institutional campus, mining, etc. Reports like ISFR, 2021, the WISA annual report, and MoEFCC data support the same. The health of these eco-sensitive areas is being hampered by urbanization. The area around Kerwa and Kaliyasot Dam, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, which is an eco-sensitive zone due to tiger movement in the area and city forest. There have been around eight NGT cases filed in the last five years in this area regarding encroaching development. Therefore, the notion is to study and analyze the possible reasons behind these activities and developments. Possible explanations include ambiguities in Development Control Regulations; the state government indirectly acting as a catalyst and triggering development in these areas or impacts from previous years' development plans, or the real estate industry playing a significant role. Furthermore, the study intends to recommend spatial interventions in order to regulate development in this area, considering the ecological and biological value of the study area.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Planning

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