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Title: Contestedspaces of urban informality: a case of Bhopal city
Authors: Suman, Nandita
Keywords: Planning
Issue Date: May-2016
Publisher: SPA Bhopal
Series/Report no.: TH000565;2012BPLN028
Abstract: Poverty is directly linked with unemployment as well as inequality. Unemployment can results in extreme social crisis giving birth to vulnerable groups of society. Unemployment rate in India is showing an increasing trend since 2011 from 3.5% to 4.7% till date and so is the rate of urban poor. Bhopal being the capital city of Madhya Pradesh and a growing urban centre records largest number of migration among other cities of the state, resulting in increase in unemployment and slum settlements. And often these people are being exploited at its most in every possible way by individual or different group people for their own benefits. The aim of this study is to identify the nature of contestation in case of Bhopal in specific to informal settlement and vending activities. The study is grounded on theories like The Critical Urban Theory, The Right to the City, and Occupancy Urbanism. This thesis offers an interpretive analysis of ethnographic data collected from four highly marginalized administrative wards of Bhopal falling under BHEL industry and nearby areas. The main stakeholders includes slum dwellers and local street vendors. Participants discussed their perceptions in the context of their livelihood experiences, shaped by violence, poverty, underemployment, lack of infrastructure, eviction threat and various influence of governmental & non-governmental bodies. The socio structural framework of these groups are constituted by economic and political dynamics of the city and state. The multiple forms of contestations will help to demonstrate how local occupants negotiates with local authorities and other stakeholders to earn their livelihood. These findings prompt rethinking of practices and approaches in urban planning and management.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Planning

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